How Do You Feel In Spanish. For example a sentence such as I feel sad means basically the same thing as I am sad which can be expressed as Estoy triste. If at all possible. If you like you can then post the best translation to this forum and we will correct your work. Cómo te sientes hoy.
How do you feel about - Spanish. It feels colder out here se siente más frío aquí fuera. To feel around in the dark ir a tientas or tantear en la oscuridad. How do you feel today. Sé que estabas enfermo ayer. If you like you can then post the best translation to this forum and we will correct your work.
Find out how to pronounce Spanish words properly.
- How do you feel about Costa Rica. Learn the most useful phrases in Spanish to express how you feel. I feel better now. 5 - feel around grope tantear ir a tientas. Translation of how do you feel in Spanish. It feels colder out here se siente más frío aquí fuera.