How Much Weight Can You Gain In A Month. On average men can expect to gain one to two pounds of muscle per month. But given that your stomach can only hold so much food at a time there is a practical limit to how many calories you can consume in a day. The current NSCA standard is a bit higher at 15 to 2 grams per kilogram per day but the basic principle is the same. For a 150-pound guy thats 0205 pounds per week.
If you do the math you need to consume an extra 3500 calories to gain 1 pound of fat. You must understand creatine only increase your strength and you must work hard to gain the muscles its a long term process. 0515 of body weight gained per month. It takes an excess of 2000 and 2500 calories to gain 1 pound of lean muscle according to Sanford Health compared to 3500 calories to gain a pound of fat. With all of those things considered. On average men can expect to gain one to two pounds of muscle per month.
Frequently its a beginner who testifies to the astounding feat of gaining 30 pounds over a period of several months.
If you consume an excess of 500 calories per day then this will equal 1 pound per week 4 pounds per month. However even if your diet is perfect and you maintain a flawless workout regime do not expect to see a significant weight difference in just a months time. I mean if you do some googling about how much weight intermediate lifters should gain per week heres what youll find. How You Gain Weight. Instead of cutting calories which is what you do if you want to lose weight you should increase your caloric intake to build muscle. A steady pace of 12 pound to 1 pound per week – or 2 to 4 pounds per month – can usually be achieved in a sound nutritional way.